Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday in the big . . .

Ok, today was . . . well, a work day. Just here in great weather rather than the midwest. I don't want to rub it in but we start out the day with long sleeves and vest and then slowly de-layer and then after the sun sets re-layer. Ok, maybe just a bit of rubbing it in.
We got to experience/enjoy a wonderful shiatsu treatment today by Mike Shimizu in Seattle. Neither of us had been for this before but WOW! We are both hooked. I am amazed at how we feel and it is 1:17am and still going. Maybe not quite the energizer bunny but . . .
Tomorrow is our make it or break it day - lots to do.
Hope Seattle likes our style of sale - this one is just thrown together but you do what you can, with what you have, where you are!

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