Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday in Seattle

First day of Sandee's sale was today. This was a different type of estate sale. First, we only had about 3.5 real days so, it was not set up as perfect as we would have liked. But, no one pushes or shoves. No one is aggressive, they are polite and while they would like things for as little as possible, if they don't like the price they just say thank you and set it to the side. And wonder of wonders, they don't mess up the linens. I know, it is hard to believe, they know how to refold what they look at. All in all, a very friendly bunch of customers.
It started out cooooool and cloudy in the 50's. (My kind of weather) and we had a gentle rain most of the day. Would have liked it to be dry but . . . after all this is Seattle! Enjoy the coolness for summer in the midwest is waiting!
Ate at The Keg
This was at dusk, in the rain - so the colors are funky. Very nice interior - fireplaces burning brightly everywhere and some of the best staff I have seen. That place runs with precision. And, the food was very good too! We had steak - of course and salads, veggies and baked potatoes. Nicely done.

Sorry for the crappy photo - I turned the flash off so I wouldn't look like a dweeb and this is what I got!
The mist rolled in tonight and the coolness is so refreshing. Air has the aroma of evergreens and everything feels clean here. Have to say I love it. When we got back to the hotel there was a group in the hot tub and the steam was rising with their laughter - looked chilly but wonderful.
Well, off to shower and perhaps even a bit of rest before day 2!

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